Water Treatment
at Sandvik Nalla
Pune, India

Working in collaboration with the local PCMC Municipality, Smart Ops was able to lease and acquire land next to a highly polluted nalla drain running though Sandvik district in Pimpri-Chinchwad.
Within 4 weeks , the sequential continuous flow reactor powered by the SABRE technology suite was deployed at the Sandvik Nalla to treat the water which had contamination levels significantly higher than normal sewage water and contained heavy metals and other industrial effluents.
Running at 2 MLD , the system was able to increase the quality of the water to clean water in hours, exceeding NGT (National Green Tribunal) standards. We reduced COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) levels of 2200 mg/L, BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) levels of 1120 mg/L and TSS (Total Suspended Solids) levels of 1840 mg/L to less than 10mg/L across the parameters.
The technology was able to demonstrate and reduce heavy metal and other industrial pollution to acceptable limits without the use of ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis.
The Sandvik Nalla trial was a clear pilot demonstration of a decentralised 2MLD ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) and STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) successfully deployed and certified by cGanga , MJP and verified by PCMC (Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation).
Sandvik District , Pimpri Chinchwad, India
PCMC Municipality & Woder Pvt Ltd